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Compounding Pharmacies

These are the commonly used compounding pharmacies contracted with the most widely-used providers.

For information on FDA accreditation, see 503A vs. 503B


Your meds deliver to your door direct from one of the following, depending on your location. The providers do not touch your meds. You will receive your premixed vial and all supplies. The supplies may be at the bottom of the box separate from the cold pack sleeve. Do not be surprised that the vial is not full. That's normal.

Empower Pharmacy

Compounds with B3

The largest compounding pharmacy in the US. Located in Houston. 600+ Employees.

503A accredited - FDA approved to provide meds direct to patients

503B accredited - FDA approved to provide meds to hospitals (separate facility from where our meds are produced, but shows they are reputable)

PCAB accredited - They volunteer for additional oversight, inspections. Highest benchmark for quality control in the industry.


Hallandale Pharmacy

Compounds with nothing, just tirzepatide

The compounding pharmacy that provides the most compounded tirzepatide in the US. Located in Florida.

503A accredited - FDA approved to provide meds direct to patients

PCAB accredited - They volunteer for additional oversight, inspections. Highest benchmark for quality control in the industry.

South Lake Pharmacy

Compounds with B12

Trusted by Emerge and Lavender Sky. Gets excellent reviews for results.

503A accredited - FDA approved to provide meds direct to patients

Anazao Pharmacy

Very large compounding pharmacy located in Tampa, FL.

503A accredited - FDA approved to provide meds direct to patients

503B accredited - FDA approved to provide meds to hospitals (separate facility from where our meds are produced, but shows they are reputable)

cGMP - Anazao voluntarily requires cGMP compliance on its 503A side just as the FDA requires for 503B hospital orders. This is remarkable, expensive for the company, and an impressive sign of their dedication to a quality product. I used to be in charge of cGMP regulatory compliance for a sterile 797 lab as Director of Operations, in a different industry. This impressed me very much.

Red Rock Pharmacy

Compounds with nothing, just tirzepatide

The most widely used and universally respected west coast compounding pharmacies for tirzepatide.

Multiple locations from Arizona to Idaho. Their big compounding facility is in Utah.

503A accredited - FDA approved to provide meds direct to patients

Red Rock is a go-to pharmacy for physicians looking for a source for their patients.

ReviveRX Pharmacy

Compounding pharmacy located in Houston used by several providers to serve the South/Southwest primarily. Ship to 37 states.

503A accredited - FDA approved to provide meds direct to patients

Revive is a smaller pharmacy with tight tolerances. They also require their 503A facility to follow cGMP processing guidelines, like Anazao, just on a smaller scale.

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